With season ticket ABO-B you can ...
- Administer pupil/student and dedicated services
- Generate basis data: schools, types of school, transport providers, places, streets, stop stations and
diverse specifications
- Record, process and reply to applications for transportation of school children, refund for use private
car and ticket self-purchase
- Administer passenger fares and own contributions
- Freely define reply/notification templates
- Compile replies in modular manner
- Compile replies in collective print procedure
- Planning and optimising dedicated services
- Report transportation requirement
- Tender for work involved in dedicated services in compliance with VOL award and contract regulations
for work and services
- Compile and process virtual pupil/student files, store all application data and travelling authorisation
- Implement change of school year using freely defined acceptance criteria
- Compile and print evaluations and statistics
- Export data to ABO-VU, current pupil/student data records with all applications
- Export invoicing and master data on personal accounts to financial accounting systems and import
payment information, HANNING & KAHL-HKR
- Set reminders for tasks to be done, reminder-file function
- Illustrate appeal procedure
- Integrate your individual requirements, for example:
- Generate basis data: schools, types of school, transport providers, places, streets, stop stations and
diverse specifications
- Record, process and reply to applications for transportation of school children, refund for use private
car and ticket self-purchase
- Administer passenger fares and own contributions
- Freely define reply/notification templates
- Compile replies in modular manner
- Compile replies in collective print procedure
- Planning and optimising dedicated services
- Report transportation requirement
- Tender for work involved in dedicated services in compliance with VOL award and contract regulations
for work and services
- Compile and process virtual pupil/student files, store all application data and travelling authorisation
- Implement change of school year using freely defined acceptance criteria
- Compile and print evaluations and statistics
- Export data to ABO-VU, current pupil/student data records with all applications
- Export invoicing and master data on personal accounts to financial accounting systems and import
payment information, HANNING & KAHL-HKR
- Set reminders for tasks to be done, reminder-file function
- Illustrate appeal procedure
- Integrate your individual requirements, for example:
- Independent allocation of responsible schools
- Sibling check
- Connection to timetable information
- Determine minimum distance per type of school form, check entitlement
- Connect tariff databases
- Integrate interfaces to schools, communicate absenteeism etc.
- Interfaces to document management systems
- Interface to form server for application administration
- Connect web server to online application process
- Automatically determine routes, connect to GIS software
- Connect to email services