

E-Bus Management for the Depot

VABdepot is our proven depot-management system used by many transport providers for optimum deployment planning and management of all fundamental processes on the depot.

Electric buses pose new requirements of deployment planning and daily management of vehicle fleets. Our eBMS version offers transport providers all the functions necessary for e-bus fleets. The battery level of the electric vehicles, the remaining charging time and the status of the charging infrastructure: all are instantly recognizable with our eBMS in the graphic depot image.

For entering vehicles, the first decision is where to on the depot.  eBMS fully automatically allocates the e-buses to the upcoming runrounds. One key aspect in this first planning phase is the required charging time. eBMS evaluates the daily data in the background. It learns from the data acquired over the operational period of the fleet and continuously optimises its calculations. Customers retain data sovereignty at all times.

Automatic vehicle allocation generates charging tickets for a charging management system which are transferred via the VDV 463 interface. Reports from the charging management system to the eBMS are immediately checked in eBMS and lead to new calculations and information for the user who can take appropriate measures.

The eBMS version can be integrated in two extension stages.

Module pack 1 takes care of data integration and graphic visualisation of the vehicles and of charging infrastructure. Users have an immediate overview of status and all processes.

With Module pack 2, all calculations are automatically performed and charging tickets conveyed to a charging- management system. Calculations performed by the eBMS are continuously improved by data analyses. Rreports from the charging management system on active charging processes and current vehicle allocation are also continuously monitored. This way, eBMS guarantees punctual provision of all vehicles – also in difficult situations.

Our eBMS is also available as eBMSbasic – the starter pack for smaller transport providers who wish to start digitalisation of depot processes with their first e-buses.

Our charging-management system VABcharge is an ideal supplement for an all-round solution for e-bus management on your depot in several extension stages.

With standard interfaces such as VDV 463, VDV 261 and OCPP, VABcharge  connects bi-directionally with all systems on your e-bus depot providing a comprehensive system solution.