BMSbasic Depot management. The Basic Package for Control of your Depot.
Keeping track.
Verkehrsautomatisierung Berlin GmbH has been supplying its customers depot management solutions (BMS) for over 30 years. With our wealth of experience, we have developed BMSbasic which paves your way into ef?cient depot management.
The BMSbasic solution is a standardized, favourably-priced option for control of the most important sequences on the depot. The software assists tram dispatchers with all everyday tasks from vehicle entry on the depot to service processes to optimum parking-planning and allocation for the coming operating day.
A depot image tailored to your wishes along with evaluation of occupation, entry and exit and daily sequences ensure that you do not lose track of all the comings and goings on your depot.
Staying ahead of developments.
Function scope can be extended at any time. Driver-registration terminals, locating equipment and automatic allocation can be smoothly integrated as required. More interfaces can be customised to your individual requirements. This guarantees optimum driving operations for you today, and optimum extension as your operations grow.
To manage your e-bus fleet, the BMSbasic solution can be combined with our VABevSuite extension module, equipping you for change-over to electromobility. At a glance, you can see the charging processes and availability of your e-bus fleet and the charging infrastructure in BMS. The VABevSuite takes care of all depot processes relating to e-bus deployment.
Why the BMSbasic solution?
Did you think Excel was sufficient for the size of your depot? Did the price of a depot management system put you of? Perhaps e-bus allocation posed new challenges. Charging states and range information were not updated or vehicles not optimally deployed.
The easily understandable system design of our BMSbasic solution offers a rapid overview for fast navigation through all processes. BMSbasic provides support with the most important depot-management operations at a low price.
Advantages at a Glance
Favourably-priced basic package
BMSbasic provides the most important functions for smooth operating sequences.
Scalable system
The scope and functionality of BMSbasic can be extended. Numerous interfaces can be added later.
Safe operation
With virtualisation technologies and server clustering, our system can be easily integrated and is highly available.
BMSbasic has a number of different options for the con?guration of your choice.
Planning Ahead
BMSbasic enables safe planning and scope for action with information transparency.
Ready for e-mobility
In interaction with VABevSuite, BMSbasic enables e-bus management with all charging states and ranges at a glance.
Function scope
Setting and administering
Via the depot image, all vehicles, parking places, tracks, charging stations and reports can be entered and followed up. Attributes and regulations can be allocated to all operating processes and vehicles.
Depot image
The depot image is the simplified representation of your depot. It shows the ground plan of the depot with all parking places, tracks and charging stations. Malfunctions are also shown on the depot image, allowing the depot manager to react directly and ensure smooth operations.
Lane and track properties
Lane and track properties can be set in advance for problem-free allocation. By registering vehicle type and type of use, particular tracks and parking lanes can be prioritised as destinations.
Parameter administration
Basic settings can be made in BMS via parameter administration to help regulate depot processes, e.g. driver presence before run start. If one such parameter is not adhered to, a message appears in the depot image, and changes can still be made in time.
Vehicle administration
Vehicle administration assigns attributes to your vehicles with which allocation for dispatch can be controlled and in?uenced.
Staying on route
Manual allocation is the basis for adherence to timetables and operating sequences. Unpredictable events can still occur on a runround. With BMSbasic, the depot manager can always react quickly.
Manual allocation
Manual allocation allows the scheduler to determine parking place, destination and the runround of the respective vehicle.
Timetable delays are reported via BMS-basic to the customer and the operator. With BMSbasic the depot manager can determine the reasons and the scope of the delay, and forward this information.
Special runs
Special runs can be planned alongside regular driving operations.
BMSbasic enables vehicle substitution if a vehicle has started its route but cannot finish it on schedule.
Substituting vehicles
You can arrange for vehicle substitution at a predetermined place on the run. The substitute vehicle finishes the run, saving time and resources.
At the right place at the right time
Registration of entry/exit in the depot management system maps and visualises vehicles on the depot. The depot destination display directs the driver to the right parking place, car wash, charging station or into the workshop, as required.
Registration of entering and exiting vehicles
Detection of vehicles entering and exiting the depot means that vehicles can be registered and driving operations coordinated. Vehicle registration can be automatic or manual. We offer connection of locating or identi?cation systems for automatic registration.
Destination display
Digital destination display allocates the driver a parking place on the depot. The display can be set up in the vehicle or as a stationary external unit.
Workshop functions
Workshop core functions include notifications of defects on vehicles, an order function for workshop appointments and timely planning and monitoring of cyclical measures e.g. regular maintenance and cleaning.
Exploiting potential to the full
BMSbasic gathers data on operating sequences over a parameterable period of time. This data is collected, categorised, and stored for evaluation in reports.
Interfaces & extensions
BMSbasic has standard interfaces to timetable systems (VDV452), to charging management (VDV463), to locating, to driver registration, destination display and to smartITCS.
Our portfolio also includes further system interfaces to staff planning and ERP systems like SAP, and can be integrated on request. Driver registration with registration terminal and the locating module can be ordered as extension options. This is also the basis for automatic allocation.