
We deliver a “dynamic bus station”.

Verkehrsautomatisierung Berlin offers municipalities and public transport providers the opportunity to optimize processes at bus stations or other large central transfer facilities through dynamic, situation-dependent scheduling of bus stop assignments.

As soon as a bus approaches, the best possible parking space is automatically determined: either on a bus platform or, for longer stays, on a separate temporary parking space. The driver is informed of the determined parking space on the display of his on-board computer or smartphone. At the same time, passengers receive the latest information on large central displays and on displays at the individual bus platforms. This includes the bus platform or stop, the line number and the planned departure time. An optional display is available in the drivers' room.
This solution makes operations at the central bus station and at heavily-frequented transfer facilities more efficient. It saves public space and optimally links transportation systems – the result is a truly “dynamic bus station”.
In addition to the software for the necessary scheduling processes, VAB also offers the technologies and devices for determining the current vehicle locations, as well as the corresponding information systems for passengers and drivers.