- VABcon
With season ticket ABO-VU you can ...
- Administer season-ticket customers and all their data and contracts
- Execute different functions relating to contracts, e. g. create follow-ups or credit notes, suspend letter printing, suspend claims, print duplicates of tickets, generate termination notices and extensions manually or automatically
- Have modifications, correspondence and receivables under the contract automatically registered
- Issue customer cards, tickets in stamp and other forms, single and batch printing
- Render single invoices – monthly and one-off debit via bank file, one-off cash payments are registered
- Render collective invoices – monthly and one-off invoices or collective debit are created with accounting, transfer and cost-centre lists for business-client season tickets and pupil/student transportation
- Record and settle up the revenue generated from fares – lists are generated for revenue sharing and for verification in compliance with corresponding German public transport act (PBefG) §45a.
- Implement change of school year, importing all relevant data from the previous school year– import criteria can be defined
- Generate evaluations of season tickets, cost centres, lines, distances travelled and transport connections
- Issue statistics – individual statistics for transport providers, line and education authorities are processed as well as overall statistics
- Export accounting data to book-keeping systems
- Export accounting data from season-ticket sales to other accounting systems
- Make import data from ABO-B or ABO-B available – the pupil/student data records recorded in the government offices for the current school year are imported along with all applications and transport connections - information on these transport connections and tickets can be previously made available to government offices